Diploma 2021
At the end of their degree courses at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), graduates of the Department of Design present their dissertations online.
Visitors to the online exhibition at design.zhdk.ch can view the dissertation projects from the department’s seven subject areas. In 2021, projects have centred around these main topics: #sustainability, #identity, #emergingtechnologies, #interactive, #aesthetics, #interdisciplinarity, #newmaterials.
All projects can be filtered by these hashtags or grouped by type of degree (B.A./M.A.). Individual graduates can be found via the search function. The projects view contains further information about the subject areas’ comprehensive online presence concerning the degree courses.
The web-based exhibition «Diploma Design 2021» is accompanied by an extensive schedule of public events which all take place virtually. Details are available here.
We hope you enjoy exploring this diverse content and look forward to welcoming you to the many events around this year’s dissertations.