
Prof. Dr. Anna Lisa Martin-Niedecken is a new member of the SNSF …

ZHdK Research looks back on a successful year

Projects from the Department of Design are part of the …

Goran Saric is the new head of the Bachelor's major in Game …

Now online: Presentation Master's Major in Design

What is «Warm your hands»?

DIZH Structure Call: Two ZHdK successes

Digital Health Design Challenge 2024 – Healthathon

Nominations for the audience award «Die Besten 2024»

«FlexAssist» wins Age Innovation Prize 2024

Two new projects for the Digital Health Design Living Lab

Jubiläumsveranstaltung 20 Jahre Game Design
![[Translate to English:] Die Förderpreise wurden im Rahmen eines informellen Abendessens verliehen. Fotos: Guillaume Musset © ZHdK]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
Award-winning diploma theses
The biggest Design module at ZHdK

«100 beste Plakate 23» at the ZHdK

Swiss Design Network Symposium: Design Research

One award and three nominations for Cast / Audiovisual Media …

REFRESH X Fantoche #3

Showcase Design 2024

Milena Moser mit ihrem Diplomprojekt «Decompose» am Stadtfestival Bern

REFRESH × Punch Prize at Climate Week in NYC

“Things rarely work straightaway”

Sharing one’s world

Now - Conversations about Identities

Anna Lisa Martin-Niedecken has been appointed as the new …

Diploma project «senso» honoured with James Dyson Award …

Winners Punch Prize 2024

Workshop Show with Dafi Kühne at Gewerbemuseum Winterthur

Revealing what happens in the hidden

Hermès × ZHdK at Zurich Design Weeks

Diploma project «Self-Determined» at the Zurich Design Weeks

REFRESH X Fantoche #3

Diploma project «Proceed to Rescue» in collaboration with SOS …

Health we go!

"We need to rethink our relationship with energy"

Jonatan Bischof & Elias Diehl win the SDA-Award 2024

ZHdK Graduate Award Design 2024
![[Translate to English:] Suppentopf. Foto: Isabela Gygax.]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
To preserve resources

ZHdK graduates win Swiss Design Awards 2024

Showcase and Panel “Renovating Buildings, Yes! But How?”

ZHdK diploma project NEUNOI featured on SRF

Everything began with a microphone

Save the Date. Buchvernissage «Sterben gestalten»

Design Diploma Exhibition 2024 and Invitation to the Opening …

Highlights from the ZHdK 2023 Research Report

Net-zero visions of the future
Five ZHdK successes on the third Project Call of the DIZH …

finally on SRF 10 vor 10

Cooperation with the Swiss Children's Hospice Foundation

«Domestic Wilderness» at Stapferhaus

Two ZHdK diploma projects are part of Milano Design Week

ZHdK students and alumni win internationally renowned book design …

IceAgeCam research project opens at Felsenegg

The new programme for «Kein Kino» is set

Event Series «Jetzt – Gespräche über Identitäten»

The new Zett is out!

Presentation of the project results at the Colloquium Junior …

Video documentation of the serious & applied Game «Spatial …

We love type!

Successful ZHdK Researchers

The ZHdK spin-off “Somebodyelse” on RTS

The game “Dissecting Love” offers queer relationships more …

“Psychotic Bathtub” from Game Design graduate awarded at the …

Game design graduate wins award for “Psychotic Bathtub” at …

Projects from the Department of Design in the “What’s …
New Master Major Industrial Design

«100 Beste Plakate 22» at Toni-Areal

Young Graphics 2023 selects six ZHdK graphics projects

Funded projects in the Junior Research in Design programme 2023

Support the “hooq” climbing shoes via crowdfunding

“Design Prize Switzerland” goes to two ZHdK projects

Diploma projects nominated for the “Prix Europa – Student …

When a landslide is imminent

The website “Showcase Design 2023” is online


Diploma project “NEUNOI” in the spotlight

The research project “Project CH+” offers support during the …

The “Obru” bird nesting boxes featured in Hochparterre …

Two successes for diploma projects

Two successes for diploma projects at the James Dyson Award 2023 Switzerland

Blick Magazine features the diploma project “The Real Heidi”.

Blick Magazine features the diploma project «The Real Heidi».

Interwoven with the present

ZHdK design projects nominated for the “Design Preis Schweiz” …

Interview about the diploma project “Shnosh – Identity …

ZHdK designers at this year’s Design Biennale Zurich

ZHdK Designer:innen an der diesjährigen Design Biennale Zürich

Diploma project “Chaos Cuisine” in Hochparterre magazine

New website “Jeansdinge” is online

Feierliche Preisverleihungen im Rahmen der Diplomfeier Design

Gender Design Award «iphiGenia» 2023 for two ZHdK-projects

The «Psychotic Bathtub» Game is featured in Hochparterre …

Nomination für den Gender Design Award «iphiGenia» 2023

Interaction Design Master's thesis is part of the new exhibition …

Nomination for the Gender Design Award "iphiGenia" 2023

New energy for old buildings

ZHdK Alumni nominated for the Swiss Design Awards

ZHdK Alumni nominiert für die Swiss Design Awards

A Tiktok series dealing with social phobia

ZHdK Research Report 2022

Inclusive Design: Project Circleg at the Milano Design Week 2023 …
![[Translate to English:] Eric Weber develops smart solutions for craft businesses. Photo: Regula Bearth © ZHdK]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
Learning from others, developing for others

Design for the surgical theatre

Durable Headphones

Exhibition Gewerbemuseum "The Bigger Picture"

How the arts do research: “Research Day” at the ZHdK

Exhibition «Game Design Today»

Exhibition «Game Design Today»
![[Translate to English:] Publication]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
Funding for two innovative publication projects

Well beyond Pac-Man

First Swiss TikTok Series on Social Anxiety
![[Translate to English:] Nicola Canziani, Noe Arnold, Luka Vego und Joël Roth haben den neuen Look der Diplomveranstaltungen der ZHdK gestaltet.]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)

Colloquium: Junior Research in Design

Sleeve for transgender men with neophallus
ZHdK Startup Finder

Launch of “Design Market”, an initiative of the Department of …

Lancierung «Design Market», eine Initiative des Departements Design

100 Beste Plakate 21

Digital and online: The St. Gallen Globe

Publication: "Give Us a Break! Arbeitermilieu und Designszene im …

Linking Cultures: Students for Students Presentations 2022

The Departement of Design at «Berlin Science Week»

Viral TikTok project honoured with Eyes & Ears Award

A portrait of game developer Philomena Schwab at

Launch of Showcase Design 2022

AQUA:TOFANA on SRF Kulturplatz

Cinebulletin talks about «REFRESH X Fantoche»

Exhibition "REFRESH X Fantoche"

Contributions from the Department of Design at the Zurich Design …

New Junior Research in Design projects
![[Translate to English:] «Track-track: Let’s follow the cat!»]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
«Track-track: Let’s follow the cat!» received Best Demo …

Funding for the "Digital Health Design Living Lab"

ZHdK receives multi-year DIZH funding on digital health design

A "face" for the Flamingo children's hospice

Winners ZHdK Förderpreis Design and SDA Award 2022

ADC Student of the year: Awards for projects by Cast/Audiovisual …

Design alumni honoured at the Swiss Design Award

Design diploma exhibition 2022
![[Translate to English:] Sinergia-Projekt «Confederatio Ludens: Swiss History of Games, Play and Game Design 1968-2000»]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
Neue SNF-Projektförderung der Fachrichtungen Game Design und …

Reconstructing identity

What is Global Design?

Design alumni nominated for Swiss Design Awards

Annual Research Report 2021

Conference Fashion and Gender

Two new research grants in the context of climate change

Project Circleg at TEDxDornbirn

Book launch of the publication "Kontext Sterben"

Boys in dresses?

Research Publication among the Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2022

Jeansdinge on the Move

Linking Cultures Lecture Series 2022
Open Call - SDN Conference "Counterparts: Exploring Design Beyond …

Exhibition «Planet Digital»

Diverse contributions to the "Planet Digital" exhibition

Portrait of MAS Strategic Design student Uli Gröber on Zett …

Design students address housing shortage with viral "fake" TikTok …

Absolventinnen von Cast / Audiovisual Media mit «Prix Europa» …

Neue Mediale Formate

Beiträge von Trends & Identity an der Ausstellung «The End – …

Swiss Innovation Forum 2021

Project Circleg wins Design Prize Switzerland

«Expedition 2 Grad» und «VR Glacier Experience» an der COP26

Beiträge zur Zukunft des Sterbens aus der Fachrichtung Trends & …

Nomination for the "Hall of Fame Award" at the Women in Games …

REFRESH #4 New Realities: Design – Arts – Technology

Linking Cultures Lecture Series 2021
![[Translate to English:] Färbeprozess mit Zwiebelschalen und Schweizer Leinen: Caroline Fourré setzt sich mit Local Colours für eine nachhaltigere Textilbranche ein. Foto: © pengworks]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
Textildesignerin Caroline Fourré wird mit dem Prix Netzhdk …

Nominationen «PRIX EUROPA Student Award»

Digital Shapers 2021

Book Launch PLOMO

Die ZHdK an den Schweizer Digitaltagen 2021

![[Translate to English:] Cover: «Narrative Mechanics. Strategies and Meanings in Games and Real Life»]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
New publication: «Narrative Mechanics. Strategies and Meanings …

Call for Papers: Mode und Gender

ZHdK-Diplomprojekt «S'WERVE» im Rennen um James Dyson Award
New Projects in the Junior Research in Design Programme
![[Translate to English:] Forschungsbericht 2020]( 400w, 800w, 1280w, 1920w)
The Annual Research Report 2020 is online

Förderpreise Bachelor und Master Design 2021 vergeben