Sleeve for transgender men with neophallus
With her product "ARIS", Stella Waldvogel could change the love lives of trans people: The design graduate has invented a sleeve that enables penetration for people with a surgically shaped penis - without complicated implantation. Since the neophallus has no erectile tissue, "ARIS" is placed over it to stiffen it before penetration. Currently, the only options are a penile prosthesis, which needs to be implanted, and sleeves, which are very thick and restrict sensation.
"The idea for the product arose in 2019 when a friend of mine, a transgender man, asked me whether I could develop something that would allow him and others with a neophallus to penetrate without having to undergo painful and risky implantation", says Stella Waldvogel. She developed the concept for ARIS in her bachelor’s thesis in industrial design. It was tested by a medical engineer and her for its safety and compatibility for the wearer and others and adapted accordingly.
ARIS will launch in 2023, as the first IYSO product. The company develops products for people unable to use existing sex toys. The reasons include having no feeling in their genitals, having limited hand mobility or none at all, or that they have undergone transition, with their genitals changing due to hormones or operations. ISYO wants to revolutionize the sex toy industry and make sexuality accessible to all bodies and gender identities.