Design Diploma Exhibition 2024 and Invitation to the Opening Event
From June 7 to 21, 2024, daily from noon to 8:00 pm, the Design Diploma Exhibition will take place in the Toni-Areal. A great opportunity to view the diploma projects of our graduates and exchange ideas. Following the opening on June 6, there will be a public guided tour on June 17.
The seven subject areas in design exhibit their Bachelor's and Master's projects in the following rooms in the Toni-Areal:
Cast / Audiovisual Media
5.K10 (Seminarraum)
Game Design
5.K06 (Aktionsraum)
3.D21 (Seminarraum)
Industrial Design
2.A05 (Viaduktraum)
5.D02 (Seminarraum)
Interaction Design
4.K13 (Galerie 1)
4.K22-1 (Projektraum)
5.K09 (Galerie 2)
Knowledge Visualization
6.K500 (Galerie, 6. Stock)
Trends & Identity
5.K500 (Kaskadenhalle)
Visual Communication
3.K01 (Hörsaal 1)
6.K04 (Seminarraum)
Invitation to the Diploma Exhibition opening and public tour of the exhibition:
June 6, 2024, at 5:00 pm
Guided tour of the Design Diploma Exhibition
June 17, 2024, 4:00 pm, meeting point: Infopoint entrance hall Toni-Areal, registration via website.
All diploma projects and more information about the programme can be found here.