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Katrin Siegel

What does your day-to-day work look like?
I'm lucky enough to have two very different jobs. Having variety in my job is very important to me. I'm currently preparing the Sommeratelier (summer workshop) for young people. That means a lot of project management, coordination and communication. I really enjoy all that.

Where can you be found at the ZHdK?
Most of the time at my desk, of course, but during the breaks I also like to be outside around the ZHdK.

What topics are you currently working on?
A large part of my private life revolves around my two children. And then there are also very personal wishes. For example, I'm thinking about how I can still fulfill my dream of living in Zurich, given the incredibly high rents. I love living in the city, but I would also like a bit more space. I could also imagine a housing project with a friend.

What drives you?
People who are close to my heart, as well as the desire to experience and try things out, drive me. I am a very anxious person. But I'm managing to leave my comfort zone more and more often and take risks. It's fun and gives me new perspectives and ideas.

Who would you like to work with one day?
With Marina Abramovic. I originally studied art and culture and she has always fascinated me. I don't know anyone else who has such a strong artistic presence. I would like to know how she works and thinks.

Who would you like to swap roles with for six months?
I would like to swap roles with someone who is exactly where I want to be professionally. I currently don't know whether this person actually exists. But it would be nice to know whether the work is what I want it to be.

Master of Arts in Design
Katrin Siegel
Photo: David Jäggi. © ZHdK.
Photo: David Jäggi. © ZHdK.