Event Series «Jetzt – Gespräche über Identitäten»
Just in time for the start of spring, the Trends & Identity major examines flowers as an everyday cultural phenomenon. The three events focus on different practices and codes and discuss various forms and current challenges between consumption and sustainability, from bouquets to grave decorations. Contemporary floral aesthetics in art, crafts and design will be examined and, last but not least, the question of how flowers speak to us will be posed.
Floral Design
Floral aesthetics in image and space
With Andrea Kipfer and Cati Soldani, Monster & Drama
In conversation with David Jäggi
28.2.2024, 5 pm
5.K06 Aktionsraum
The flower bouquet
Theory and practice
With Angela Kaspar, Kaspar Blumen
In conversation with Katharina Tietze
3.4.2024, 5 pm
2.A05 Viaduktraum
See the event
Floral identities
Multispecies perspectives in the Anthropocene
With Melanie Boehi, historian and curator
In conversation with Anna-Brigitte Schlittler
8.5.2024, 5 pm
5.K06 Aktionsraum
See the event