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Net-zero visions of the future

Imagining the future means imagining a world worth living in.

Images of the future are visions of a world worth living in. The Knowledge Visualization research group, in collaboration with ProClim of the Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT, is developing accessible and scientifically sound visions for a climate-neutral Switzerland in 2050 with the "Zukunftsbilder Netto Null" project.

Actually, we all know it: Switzerland must become independent of fossil fuels as quickly as possible. Science already offers numerous options for action for a climate-neutral economy and society. One challenge is to communicate these ideas to society at large in an understandable and attractive way.

True to the motto "Talking about problems creates problems, talking about solutions creates solutions" (Steve de Shazer), images, moving pictures and science-based storytelling should show that a climate-neutral future is possible and desirable and stimulate dialog about solutions. The first important milestone was reached at the end of April with the successful completion of a pilot project in collaboration with the town of Burgdorf. Burgdorf recently adopted a climate strategy and set itself the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2030 for the municipal administration and by 2050 for the entire municipality. The future images developed by an interdisciplinary team visualize aspects of the climate strategy and help to communicate it.

The images of the future will be exhibited at various locations in Burgdorf from April 8 to May 19. The "Zukunftsbilder Netto Null" project will soon be further developed in collaboration with Swiss cantons and implemented on a larger scale.

Project team: Elena Kaeser, Simone Stolz (design, Knowledge Visualization research); Raphael Gschwind (mentoring, Knowledge Visualization lecturer); Niklaus Heeb (management); Rahel Arnold (graphics); Severin Marty (scientific support, ProClim, SCNAT).

«Zukunftsbilder Netto Null» in Burgdorf
«Zukunftsbilder Netto Null» in Burgdorf