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Successful ZHdK Researchers

Research Projects Approved in 2023

2023 was a highly successful year for ZHdK researchers: They raised around CHF 3 million in external funding.

In 2023, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) awarded funding to six ZHdK research projects: 

Project funding is an important SNSF funding instrument. It enables experienced researchers to work independently or collaboratively on self-selected topics. Grantee use the funding to pursue cutting-edge, innovative and richly faceted research projects on fundamental questions or practical challenges.

  • Lukas Franciszkiewicz, Department of Design; «TerraKit. Empowering Farmers’ Transition From Synthetic Fertilizers to Soil Regeneration»
  • Irène Hediger, Department of Cultural Analysis; «Fungi Cosmology Switzerland 2024»
  • Niklaus Heeb, Department of Design; «St. Galler Globus Online. Basismodell zur Erforschung des interaktiven Potentials des St. Galler Globus» [The St. Gallen Online Globe: A Basic Model for Exploring the Interactive Potential of the St. Gallen Globe] and «Zukunftsbilder Burgdorf Netto Null» [Future Images of Burgdorf Net Zero]
  • Liliana Heimberg, Department of Performing Arts and Film; «Lebendiges Kulturerbe als Lernfeld für soziale Aushandlungsprozesse und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt (LeKuLab)» [Living Cultural Heritage as a Learning Field for Social Negotiation Processes and Social Cohesion]
  • Sandra Lutz Hochreutener and Annkathrin Pöpel, Department of Music, «Wirkung von live gespielten Monochordklängen. Untersuchung zur Wirkung von live gespielten Monochordklängen auf die Stressregulation gesunder Erwachsener» [Effects of Live Monochord Performance on Stress Regulation in Healthy Adults]
  • Christopher Salter, Department of Performing Arts and Film, «Self-Organized Reality: Development of Emergent Person-Environment Behaviors in Mixed Reality Environments»
  • Pascale Schreibmüller, Department of Cultural Analysis; «queer archives of stillborn (m)others – Subjectivation in Loss»
  • Sophie Walker, Department of Design, Preliminary study
  • Julia Weber, Department of Fine Arts; «Urban Wastelands as Ambiguous Spaces for Appropriation and Participation»

Congratulations to all ZHdK researchers on a successful year!

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