Publication: "Give Us a Break! Arbeitermilieu und Designszene im Aufbruch"
Paola De Martin is a lecturer in the Bachelor of Arts in Design and the BA Art Education at the ZHdK. The publication "Give Us a Break! Arbeitermilieu und Designszene im Aufbruch" is based on Paola De Martin's dissertation at the Institute gta of the ETH Zurich (Chair Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung) and is an interdisciplinary study at the interface between sociology, economic history and the history of visual culture. The interaction of social class and normative criteria in design education and practice is illuminated and differentiated using her own socio-autobiography as well as numerous other examples.
"If belonging and not belonging to the design field are collective experiences, then these are related to structural discrimination and structural privilege, which - as I was able to discover in the course of this project - have a long history. If this is not told, it unfolds a symbolic violence that makes us believe that made inequality is a 'natural' inequality." (Paola De Martin, p. 19)
The publication was published this summer as Open Access by diaphanes and is available only in German. A print version can be purchased in bookstores.